Who do you think would win this fight? If you hadn't seen the movie? Lets break it down before you decide. Although most of you will not heed my words, and say Maximus won, because he is a god in a man's body. If we look at the actual facts you can tell who will win easily. First off lets look at the favorite for this fight. The big guy looks like an obvious champ, and he is. Yet the rolls of fat on his back tell a different story. One of full shameful gluttony, and animalistic lust. You see it is easy being the champ, and this guy indulges in all it has to offer. He sleeps with all the women who jump at the chance to sleep with a champion of the arena(this is Greek times we talking about so today he would be as popular as lil wayne). He eats roast hog day and night, and then he eats the left overs. To wash it all down he reaches for a cup of wine. What time does that leave him to train? Assuming he can train in that state of excess. Now the Tiger, is a victim of circumstance. He didn't want to be there, and he doesn't need to be there. So why the hell is he there? Someone kick the guy who shouted "Lets add a fucking Tiger to the arena". The crowd cheers with anticipation(again Greek times). Though the tiger is strong and fast. He is no doubt starving for added amusement, and he is chained down. The odds just arn't good for him. So on to the unlikely choice Maximus! You look at him you think hes small, hes food, hes dead. Yet he eats his rations at the right times. He trains day and night to drown out the horrific scenes of his families murder. He has only two things on his mind. One revenge, and death to all those who stand in front of it. Two reuniting with his family in the Elysian Fields(kinda like heaven to the Greeks). He has no fear of death, and yet his revenge keeps him safe. We all know who won in the end, but I wanted show why he deserved to win. Survival is all about keeping your body in top condition at all times. That is the way it has always been(look at the Greeks). We were given this wonderful gift of life. Why wouldn't you want to fight your hardest to keep it as long as you can, and enjoy it longer and stronger. Not a shell of your former self, but the whole damn suit. Minus a few buttons.